Kara McQuillan is a Certified Nurse-Midwife living and practicing in the Philadelphia area. They have been involved in the Philly birth community for the last 13 years in one way or another, working in a range of settings including low-risk home birth and high-risk clinic and inpatient units. Kara holds a BA in anthropology from Ithaca College and earned a Masters of Midwifery from Thomas Jefferson University. Kara lives with their wife and two children, spending free time in the garden or with the menagerie of family pets.
Providers working in these systems are burned out and under-supported, making it challenging to give the kind of care they believe every client should receive.
With Pennyroyal Health, you are not just a number. We offer ample time to discuss your concerns and have your questions answered. Our seamless scheduling, hour-long appointment times, and same-day availability are all about meeting your needs. We make accessing care as smooth and pleasant as possible and value you as a whole person – body, mind, and being. Midwifery care is, at its core, client-centered, and we integrate this approach into everything we do!
Healthcare is changing. Due to insurance company and hospital system demands, visits are getting shorter, and providers are stretched thin with overflowing schedules. Questions about your health may go unanswered for days, waiting on hold for hours to get an appointment three months out.
Providers working in these systems are burned out and under-supported, making it challenging to give the kind of care they believe every client should receive.
With Pennyroyal Health, you are not just a number. We offer ample time to discuss your concerns and have your questions answered. Our seamless scheduling, hour-long appointment times, and same-day availability are all about meeting your needs. We make accessing care as smooth and pleasant as possible and value you as a whole person – body, mind, and being. Midwifery care is, at its core, client-centered, and we integrate this approach into everything we do!